Context English Finnish
EntityStatus__PartiallyStuck Partially stuck
GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile_Crash Failed to save the game '{0}': {1}

If you are using mods, please ensure they are compatible with the current game version. Otherwise, file a bug report including this error message and your logs, so we can investigate.
Kb_TransportSnapping__label Toggle snapping
Kb_TransportTieBreak__label Use alternative route
Kb_Undo__label Undo
Kb_ZoomIn__label Zoom in
Kb_ZoomOut__label Zoom out
KeybindingHowToClear to clear
KeybindingHowToEdit to edit
LabCannotResearchHigherTech__name Current research is too advanced for our lab
LabMissingInputProducts__name This lab requires a consumable input product in order to work
LabStatus__MissingInput Missing input products
landmarksCategory__name Landmarks & decorations
LandWaterPump__desc Pumps water from the ground deposit which is replenished during rain. Has to be built on top of a groundwater deposit.
LandWaterPump__name Groundwater pump
Language Language
LastDelta Last month change: {0}
LastMonthUnityChanges__Title Last month changes
LastMonthUnityChanges__Tooltip Summary of ongoing Unity gains and spendings from the last month. This does not contain one-time actions or income from settlement services.
Launches__Detail Launches